Milford Thrives Early Childhood Collaborative Member Profile
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Arene Berry, Director
Milford Recreation website:
Milford Recreation Dept
Main Service
Rec services
Additional Information
Milford Recreation:
- Programs are offered for ages 2 and up.
- Programs are constantly changing but often include movement, music, pre-sports, and arts and crafts.
- Swim lessons are offered in the summer starting at 6 months.
How do Milford families currently access your EC services/resources?
Families may register for programs via our website (, by mail or in person at the Recreation office.
Please note where each service can be provided along with when/your hours:
A majority of our programs are held in Milford but non-residents are welcome to register and attend. The office hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday – Friday. Please note there are times staff are not in the office due to programs so we suggest calling before stopping by.
Are there specific website address(es)/Facebook pages where families could find for more information on your services?
What are your hope(s) for our work together as an Early Childhood Collaborative; Why are you a member?
” My goal is that we have a final product of services and offerings for the early childhood age group so that it is easier for parents to find all that is available to them. “
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