Milford Thrives Early Childhood Collaborative Member Profile

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Santina Thibedeau

SAU 40
Executive Director, Student Support Services

Main Service
Special Education Inclusive Pre-K; School Social Workers/Counselors; Social Emotional Learning/Choose Love; ChildFind Developmental Screening

Early Childhood (EC) Resources/Programs/Services offered to Milford’s youngest children (pre-birth to 5 years) and their families:

  • Special Education Inclusive Pre-K
  • School Social Workers, School Counselors, School-Based Mental Health Counselor
  • Social-Emotional Learning >> Choose Love
  • ChildFind

How do Milford families currently access your EC services/resources?

Milford families access our preschool program from many resources. It could be through community agencies such as Gateways, it could be by word of mouth from other families who have previously enrolled their child/children in the preschool or it could be through Child Find which is scheduled by the school district at least once per school year.

Please note where each service can be provided along with when/your hours:

Milford Early Education Experience (MEEE) is located at Heron Pond Elementary School in Milford. The 3 year olds attend Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9:00-11:30 AM. The 4 year olds attend Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 12:45-3:15 PM. Due to COVID, we currently accommodate families with in person learning or remote learning.

Please include eligibility requirements by service, along with any restrictions.

Any family who is a resident of Milford can enroll their son/daughter in the preschool program. The New Hampshire state cut off for enrollment is September 30th. If a family has concerns about their child’s learning or overall skill development, they can contact the Office of Student Support Services to speak with administration.

Are there specific website address(es)/Facebook pages where families could find for more information on your services?

Please visit or contact me directly. I can be reached at  or 673-6709.

What are your hope(s) for our work together as an Early Childhood Collaborative; Why are you a member?

I would love to see this group offer local socially safe events to bring the area community members together and continue to bring awareness to families of all the services there are to access. I was invited to be a member and look forward to contributing to the group as we move forward.

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